With the amount of individuals searching for a variety of products and services nearly every minute, opportunity is abundant for all businesses. However, adequately capitalizing on those individuals searching vigorously for what they need is fast becoming an around-the-clock endeavor.
Towing is a commodity. A car needing a tow is a veritable emergency, and for those who need to dispose of something as large as a vehicle, they want to stumble upon the perfect business for the task: an affordable and efficient option.
If you find yourself owning a business in either or both of those industries, knowing how to capture the attention of those seeking these services must be considered. To start, it benefits to understand some of the crucial areas in how a customer seeks out your services.
How Are Customers Searching?
A towing business marketing strategy should firstly consider Google. For example, Badger Digital Marketing Solutions has uncovered that the most common search in towing is a customer asking their mobile device the following: “hey Google, who is the best towing company?”
Even those business owners who are not as text-savvy as the next person realize that Google is now considered the new ‘yellow pages’ and use it as such to locate services. Local customer search has dominated all markets, capturing an astounding 84% of the market share.
Statistics also reflect that nearly 82% of those local searches involve incredibly generic terminology. Therefore, that search phrase mentioned above is a reflection of just how simple some of these marketing efforts can be!
Maximizing Your Response
So how exactly does a team like Badger Digital Marketing Solutions help get your towing business front and center? Starting with Google Pay Per Click, this is a paid way to keep your URL on the first page of a Google search; a critical element as many customers rarely navigate past page one of their Google search.
Search Retargeting is another option where after a potential customer searches for a service of yours, such as where they can dispose of a junk car, a paid ad of yours appears to them later on, either via a website they are on or social media. This method is proven to drive more leads, as the ad they see keeps them engaged with your brand.
Finally, a third piece to the puzzle is to optimize your Google business listing. Every business has a Google business listing; however, many never consider optimizing it for top visibility. Badger Digital Marketing Solutions will claim your business listing and keep it active with consistent posts.
Specific Towing and Junk Car Buying Strategies
While most marketing agencies specialize in generalized Search Engine Optimization, website optimization, or digital advertising strategies, Badger Digital Marketing Solutions has recently rolled out a more industry-specific marketing package that is sure to drive leads to your towing and junk car buying business!
To realign your focus back on what you do best and leave the marketing efforts to the gurus, contact Badger Digital Marketing Solutions here!